This course provides an understanding of industry indirect costs and the costs’ impact on seller pricing/business strategies under various acquisition environments with differing contract types. Attendees will understand the development and application of indirect cost rates used in contract formation, administration, and closeout. The course-integrating case study provides hands-on application of the indirect cost-rate process in which attendees determine their own final indirect cost rates.
- None
Predecessor Course(s):
- CON 232, Overhead Management of Defense Contracts
Course Length: 10 class days
- Pre-work required (approx 2 hours) / Walk-ins authorized / Pre-work accessible on DAU Public Blackboard
- Certification in Contracting at Level II as well as the completion of CMC 130 and CON 170 are recommend prior to registering for this course.
- Participants must provide and be familiar with a basic functions calculator.